Thursday, January 28, 2021

It's OK to Need a Break

I made this original post in December 2019 before the world changed.

Dear moms (and dads)... we all need a break sometimes and it’s absolutely ok.

Last weekend we found out that our daycare provider had an emergency in the family and was going to need to take off Monday through Wednesday, which left us having to figure out what to do with the kids. Unfortunately we don’t have any family in the area and have never really found a backup babysitter for situations like this. Sometimes we can get one of our parents to come stay with us, but this time I asked if my mom wanted the kids to come to her house for a few days. She did (thanks mom!), so I packed the kids in the car and met her halfway.

She kept the kids for the entire week and it was a week that I didn’t realize I needed.  I went to work as usual each day. However, I didn’t allow myself to stay late as I would have done in the past. No kids means catching up at work, right?? Not this time.

So I left on time each day and came home. I also could have done a million and one things at home while the kids were gone, but I didn’t. I did a few small things like picked up the playroom and cleaned the kitchen. But that’s it.

I used this week to recharge mentally. I watched TV shows that weren’t on Nick, Jr. or Disney. I read an adult book. I enjoyed the quiet. I needed this time.

My husband and I also enjoyed this time together. We went to happy hour, we went out to dinner, we made dinner together. Just the two of us. We also needed this time.

To all the parents out there, it’s ok to need a break from your children. I’m not saying send them away for a week because this was definitely not planned. But take a night for yourself. Whether it’s a couple of hours for a date night out, an evening away, or even just a few hours out shopping, take the break.

This rule also applies to work. That will be another post, another day. But taking a mental break from things in life is a necessity at times. Take care of yourself.

As I reread this blog, it got me thinking. This pandemic has made us spend A LOT of time with our kids, which I have truly come to cherish. But it also has required me to be a little more intention about some "me time".

Even though we may be working from home, doing school from home, afraid to leave the house, whatever your situation may be, it is still OK to want to have some time to yourself.

For me, I have found that going to the grocery store or Target every other week has become therapeutic ha! I am beginning to enjoy long, hot showers by myself. (thanks husband for keeping the kids out) I have been sending the kids to their rooms about 30 minutes before their normal bedtime with a tablet or toys and using that quiet time for me to read. And lastly, gasp, I have been allowing them more time on their tablets, because honestly we are still right smack in the middle of a pandemic and it is OK to bend the rules.

While things are looking a little more positive with the vaccine rolling out, please know that you are not alone if you are feeling antsy or at your wits end with your kids. We are not in normal times right now and sometimes you have to be a little more creative (and intentional) about how you spend your time.

Remember to take care of yourself. Stay safe.

Instagram: @mrspotterstyle
Twitter: @apotter730


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