Thursday, October 1, 2020

Kindergarten and 1st Grade Math Anchor Charts

I have received some great feedback on my 5th grade and 2nd grade math anchor charts, so I thought I would work on the other grades.

My daughter is in kindergarten so I started with K and 1st grade next. I figured it would help me understand what she will be learning in school. I will admit, after teaching 5th grade for 5 years straight, it is HARD to look at the standards in the primary grades, try to understand what exactly they are required to do, and then create an anchor chart that covers the required content while being kid-friendly and age appropriate.

I will be completely honest, any feedback would be greatly appreciated. If I am missing a strategy for addition and subtraction that is used in primary grades let me know and I can add it.

Here are some images from my 1st grade charts:



Grab your free copy of the 1st grade charts here!

Here are some images from my Kindergarten charts:


Grab your free copy of the Kindergarten charts here!

Instagram: @mrspotterstyle
Twitter: @apotter730

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