Friday, December 31, 2021

2021 - What a Dumpster Fire!

Well here we are. Another year done. Another year that we thought was going to be WAY different than it actually was.

The year started off in Florida, in the middle of a pandemic. We chose to go away for New Year's because I knew the bad news that was coming. Right before Christmas was when I found my lump. I decided that we needed to get away before the craziness that was coming.

January we got the dreaded news. The c-word that no one wants to hear. Found out that we would be teaching from home until March.

February had surgery, but also found out it had spread to lymph nodes.

March started chemo, but also returned to work in the building.

April, May, June got approved to work from home while going through chemo. We also decided to sell our house because you know why not add more crazy to our lives.

July moved into a new temporary home. New neighbors, new school for Mackenzie, new area to learn. We also traveled to Nashville to spend a week with my husband's family (and visit mine).

August finished chemo, celebrated with friends, then went to the beach for a week with family. My happy place. I had a week to just do nothing. No doctors appointments, no treatments, no work, nothing. However, the end of August brought illness for my husband. (we can't catch a break this year) 

September started radiation, but also started back to school it what has been even more weird than 2020. Kids in the building, kids at home. Masks on. Social distancing (*when possible). Eat in the classroom. Trying to pretend that everything is normal. (side note - it's not) Went to a concert for the first time in years. Had a girls weekend in Hershey! Massage and facials!

October finished radiation! Traveled to St. Louis for a wedding. We met more of my husband's family and also caught up with old friends.

November celebrated birthdays, Thanksgiving, family visits, and spent the day in Hershey's Chocolate World to celebrate our daughter turning 7.

December we went on a cruise. We decided that we had both been through A LOT this year and we needed to celebrate. We also spent Christmas in North Carolina with family.

This year taught me a lot. I decided to stop stressing the small things. I have learned to go with the flow. (if you know me, you know this is not easy for me) I have come out of this year stronger. I have realized that my support system is HUGE! I have learned that it is OK to lean on others when you need help.

I have absolutely no idea how this year is going to go and you know what that's OK! Team No Planner!

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