Monday, August 3, 2020

Digital Math Games

Now that we know that we will be starting off the new school year in a virtual format, I am starting to look at our math curriculum to see what activities I can make digital.

I have attempted to make a few of the games in our first unit using Google Slides so that the students can try to play them with each other.

Students will need a copy of the document so that they have editing rights. You can choose to have students work on the same presentation so that they can show their work on the same slide, or choose to have them have their own presentations and they can do 2 rounds of the game on one slide.

I have made enough slides for 3 rounds (or 6 if they are working on their own presentation), but you can always add more by going to the last slide and clicking on Slide then Duplicate.

I give students information on how to type an exponent using the keyboard shortcut, but I am also thinking of including a version with text boxes in case they have issues with the exponent.

There is an example on slide 3.

Students will need a copy of the document so that they have editing rights. You can choose to have students work on the same presentation so that they can show their work on the same slide, or choose to have them have their own presentations and they can do 2 rounds of the game on one slide.

I have made enough slides for 6 rounds (or 3 rounds if they are sharing a presentation), but you can always add more by going to the last slide and clicking on Slide then Duplicate.

There is an example on slide 3.

Both of these games are adapted from our math curriculum, which was adapted from the SFUSD grade 5 curriculum.

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