Monday, August 17, 2020

Short Vowel Sound Activities

It's time for another set of word work activities!

Today's blog is all about the short vowel sounds. The activities are all the same, each one just focuses on one short vowel sound. The activity is a self-checking activity, so as students work through the activity, if they choose a wrong answer then they will go to a slide that tells them to try again and will take them back to the slide they were just working on. On each slide is 4 images. They are supposed to choose the image that has the short vowel sound they are working on. If they get it right, it takes them to the next slide.

I added in an independent activity at the end that you could choose to use or not use. With the self-checking portion of the activity, there is no way for the teacher to know what the student is clicking on, so at the end of the activity is a word sort. This requires students to sort words into the short vowel sound or not the short vowel sound. They could then turn the word sort in using whatever method your county uses (ie. Class Dojo, Google Classroom, Seesaw). You could also choose to delete the last slides and just end the activity once they get to the last one.

If you want the students to do the word sort at the end, you will need to give them a copy of the presentation so they can edit. If you choose to delete the word sort slide, you can just allow students to view the presentation rather than make a copy.

There are 10 slides for each short vowel sound. Click on the links below to get your free copy of each activity.

You can check out my other word work activities by clicking on the word work label.

If you are looking to learn more about Words Their Way, you can check out my previous blog post.

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