Thursday, December 10, 2020

You Do YOU

When I first started blogging, I wasn't sure of my purpose. I knew that I wanted to share my resources and my story, but I would get disappointed when only 1 or 2 people would view a blog post.

Then I stopped myself and said, wait a minute... why do I care about how many views I get?? I'm not trying to become some social media influencer. I had to check myself and think why I really was doing this blog. Deep down I realized that I am doing this for ME!

I use this blog as a way to clear my thoughts. I use this as a way to share my resources, even if it is with only one other person. I use this as a portfolio where I can quickly find those resources that I felt confident enough to share with the public. It all boils down to me. I am doing this for me.

The reason I wanted to write about this is because I see SO many different personalities on social media, especially Twitter. It is kind of scary that social media has become a place where people feel they can bully others because they are hidden behind a screen. It has also become a place where people feel they can't have different opinions than others. I'm all about standing up for something you believe in, but attacking someone just because their opinion is different than yours is just mean.

The sad thing is that many of the people I follow on Twitter are teachers or in the education world, where we teach children to show respect towards others or teach them how to respectfully disagree, but then the ADULTS get on social media and do the complete opposite of what they teach in the classroom.

I was always taught that if you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything at all. There are some people that need to learn how to scroll past things they don't like or disagree with or even just click that lovely UNFOLLOW button.

When it comes to the social media world, you need to think of your purpose. 
Maybe you do want to become a social media influencer and gain a large following, that's awesome. You do you.
Maybe you want to join just to follow other people and don't feel like posting. That's cool. You do you.
Maybe you want to just post every now and then. That's great. You do you.

Just remember. it doesn't matter what ANYONE else thinks about you. All you need to worry about is YOURSELF.

You do YOU!

Instagram: @mrspotterstyle
Twitter: @apotter730

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