Thursday, July 16, 2020

Beginning Letter Sound and Word Family Activities

As we get closer and closer to school starting back up again, I feel like there is a good chance we will be doing some type of distance learning, at least to start off the school year.

I am also at home with a 5 year old who is supposed to be starting kindergarten this year. So, I decided to clean out my word work folder and see what types of activities that I can turn into digital activities.

First up, is a beginning letter sound activity. This was made using Google Slides and LOTS of hyperlinks to other slides in the presentation.

While this activity does not give you a grade for how the student does, it is self-checking. This means that if the child clicks on the wrong picture, it will take them to a slide that tells them to try again and they will go back to the slide they were just on. They will not advance to the next letter until they have selected the correct image. I used both capital and lowercase letters, so each letter is included twice. I put the letters in a random order, as I have been working with my daughter on letter identification outside of singing the alphabet song.

The second resource is working with word families. In this activity, the student drags and drops letters from the bottom of the slide to create words using the word family endings. I tried to include clipart images at the top of the slide to help, but you could also delete these if you don't want the students to have any hints. This activity is not self-checking, so the students would need to submit it to you or have someone check it for them. The presentation contains 35 different word families, so I would copy and paste the slides that you want them to complete into another presentation before assigning it. This way it is not overwhelming and redundant for the student and less work for you to check.

These would be a great choice board activity for grades K-1, or even newcomer ELLs.

Be on the lookout for more resources like these!

I absolutely love using Words Their Way. Want to learn more about it? Check out my blog post on getting started by clicking here!

Find the free downloads on the Resources page or click on one of the images above.

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